Emily DiPaola, Licensed Massage Therapist

Individualized sessions for what your body needs


Relaxation, circulation, mobility, decongestion

Treatment / Orthopedic
Focus on areas of concern/injury

Deep Tissue
Work through superficial layers of muscle towards deeper release including addressing trigger points

The foundation of exchange, welcoming the flow of loving light

Help your body perform its best; unwind, recuperate and stimulate

Relaxation, comfort, reduce swelling, improve circulation

Your appointment begins with a consultation about your goals for the session. I incorporate different modalities to best suit your needs.


60 minutes - $90
90 minutes - $120

Three 60 minute massages- $240

Three 90 minute massages- $330

I accept cash, check or credit including HSA and FSA cards.

About Me

Becoming a LMT felt like a natural progression for me. My work facilitates improved mobility, less pain and a freer flow of energy within. I have a background in education, working with all ages in schools and different settings. I love learning and have an ever-expanding knowledge of the anatomy, physiology, and myology of the human body. I love spending time with family and friends, being outdoors, swimming, riding my bike, traveling, cooking and seeing my dog run.


“Emily had great palpation skills. She was able to specifically locate trigger points and release congested muscles.” ~ Kim

“Consent-based, individual, healing, really focused on spots that needed attention.” ~ Laura

“Loved the acknowledgement of my needs.” ~ Carli